Mastering Zero-knowledge Proofs

Dr. Amit Dua, Gaurav Kumar

SKU: 9789355519733



ISBN: 9789355519733
eISBN: 9789355517586
Authors: Dr. Amit Dua, Gaurav Kumar
Rights: Worldwide
Edition: 2024
Pages: 490
Dimension: 7.5*9.25 Inches
Book Type: Paperback

"Mastering Zero-knowledge Proofs" is your ultimate guide to blockchain and ZKPs. It connects blockchain's core elements, like distributed ledgers and smart contracts, to ZKPs' advanced privacy solutions, emphasizing their significance in today's digital world, and provides a robust understanding of how these cryptographic techniques can revolutionize security and privacy in various applications.

In this book, you will explore the basics of blockchain and ZKPs. You will gain technical skills like group theory and elliptic curve cryptography. Each chapter covers practical applications of ZKPs in blockchain systems, addressing challenges, ongoing research, and real-world use cases across industries like healthcare and finance. You will find detailed explanations of SNARKs, STARKs, and PLONK, along with practical guidance on constructing and implementing these non-interactive proofs. You will learn about innovative solutions, zero-knowledge virtual machines, ZK-Rollups, and ZK-EVM, along with a step-by-step guide for building and deploying these technologies. 

By the end of this book, you will have a solid understanding of Zero-knowledge Proofs and their applications in blockchain development. You will be equipped to implement privacy-preserving solutions, enhancing security and efficiency in your projects, making you a competent contributor in the evolving blockchain space.


  • In-depth exploration of Zero-knowledge Proof concepts and applications.
  • Practical insights into implementing ZKP in real-world systems.
  • Comprehensive coverage from blockchain basics to advanced cryptography.


  • Understand the fundamentals of Zero-knowledge Proofs and blockchain.
  • Construct and implement SNARKs, STARKs, and PLONK proofs.
  • Apply Zero-knowledge Proofs to enhance security and privacy in applications.
  • Utilize zero-knowledge virtual machines and ZK-Rollups.
  • Integrate ZK-EVM into Ethereum for scalable solutions.
  • Identify and overcome challenges in Zero-knowledge Proofs.


This book is ideal for blockchain developers, security professionals, and researchers with a foundational understanding of cryptography and blockchain technology.

  1. Introduction to Blockchain Technology
  2. Introduction to Zero-knowledge Proofs
  3. Introduction to SNARKS
  4. SNARK Construction: Non-interactive Proof Building
  5. Advanced SNARK Paradigms and Techniques
  6. SNARK versus STARK
  7. SNARKs In-depth and PLONK
  8. Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines
  9. ZK-Rollups: Scalability Meets Privacy
  10. Conceptualizing ZK-EVM in Ethereum
  11. ZK Swaps: Revolutionizing Decentralized Exchanges
  12. Zero-Knowledge Identity
  13. Challenges and Limitations of Zero-knowledge Proofs
  14. Ongoing Research and Development in Zero-knowledge Proofs
  15. Real-world Applications of Zero-knowledge Proofs

Dr. Amit Dua is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science and Information Systems Department at BITS Pilani. He earned his Ph.D. from Thapar University, Patiala in 2014, specializing in Vehicular Ad hoc Networks and their security. Over the past eight years at BITS Pilani, Dr. Dua has taught courses on Blockchain Technology and Computer Networks to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Dr. Dua has extensively researched both practical and fundamental topics, resulting in approximately 50 research publications in international journals and conferences. He holds a joint copyright for developing code that connects electronic health records on the Solana Network using homomorphic encryption.

With support from the BITS Pilani incubation center, Dr. Dua founded Yushu Excellence Technologies Pvt Ltd in 2021. The company developed a ZKP-based solution, Pramaan, which provides authentication to maintain data privacy and holds an Indian patent for this innovation.

Passionate about education, Dr. Dua works extensively with NGOs and schools to enhance the effectiveness of the education system. A seasoned writer, he has authored books on machine learning and its applications in education.

Gaurav Kumar holds a degree in Computer Science from BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus. With multiple years of experience in the field of Blockchain, Gaurav has established himself as a proficient and knowledgeable professional in this rapidly evolving domain. In addition, he has specialized experience in the field of Zero-knowledge Proofs, which has become a focal point of his research and professional endeavours.

Gaurav’s contributions to the field are noteworthy. He has published a research paper in the field of blockchain, demonstrating his commitment to advancing knowledge and understanding of this transformative technology. His expertise and practical insights make him a valuable resource for anyone looking to delve deeper into the intricacies of blockchain and Zero-knowledge Proofs.

Gaurav’s passion for technology and innovation drives him to continuously explore new frontiers in digital security and privacy. This book is a testament to his dedication and expertise, aimed at providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of Zero-knowledge Proofs and their applications.

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