Tomasz Manugiewicz is the general manager of the Polish engineering hub of the global software company Evoke. An engineer at heart, Tomasz is a speaker and author by passion. He has delivered speeches at the largest global IT conferences, as well as as a keynote speaker. He has had presentations for brands such as US Global Developer Week, Devoxx Belgium, Agile Tour London, DevDays Europe, Code Europe, Agile Central Europe, and many more.

Tomasz has been in the IT sector since 2006. He worked as an Engineering Manager and, at the beginning of his path, when he was a Java Engineer, he helped to create one of the first Polish online banking systems. He also worked for international global corporations, including banking and ICT telecom sectors. Tomasz is an Agile enthusiast and coach who conducted his first Agile Transformation in 2009.

Working also at the University of Science and Technology, Tomasz is a lecturer, running courses on Executive Agile, as well as Software Architecture, supporting young engineers on their way to the world of IT. Tomasz is also an Advisory Board Member of the Jagiellonian University at the Faculty of Mathematic and Computer Science and a member of the Program Council Board for the IT conference, Ways Conf. He is also a co-author of the leadership book "The LiGHT BOOK - Leaders' insights for leaders based on true stories".