Table of Contents
- Introduction- How it started. The rise of Blockchain Religion
- Whodunnit - Unravelling the Mystery of bitcoin’s Origin
- Blockchain - Some FAQs What is Blockchain? Some fundamentals
- Its ‘Data’ Stupid! - The Rising Power of Data Exponents
- The Rise of Digital Marketing: How it all Started
- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- Big Data Analytics & its Implications to organizations
- Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence: Automating the Future
- Internet of Things- The booming penetration
- Malware attacks and cyber threats
- Risks of centralization & single points of failure
- General Data Protection Regulations and their Implications
- Blockchain- An introduction
- Bitcoin & The Blockchain - The inception of the ‘BigBang’
- Key features and benefits of Blockchain
- Ethereum- The State Machine
- DAOs & ICOs- Facilitating Entrepreneurship
- Blockchain Certified LLPs to Boost Entrepreneurship
- Blockchain Platforms for Web 2.0 Applications
- The Birth of Enterprise Blockchain
- Hyperledger Project - Fabric, Sawtooth - Versatile and Empowering
- Enterprise Blockchain Platforms- A brief look at options
- DMADV: Lean Six Sigma inspired an approach to architect a BCT Solution
- Scaling up the Blockchain Project
- Blockchain as a Service- Various platforms available
- Blockchain Applications in Action- a Case study
- Blockchain use cases- Enterprises, Government, NGOs
- Blockchainified Future- A Vision for progressive enterprises
- Maneuvering in the World of GDPR
- A safer and secure world with Blockchain-based solutions
- Annexure 1: Blockchain Glossary
- Annexure 2: Big Data Analytics - Applications Across Global Enterprises
- Annexure 3: Prominent Blockchain-Based Applications and DAOs
- Annexure 4: Consensus Models- A Practical Comparison
- Annexure 5: Enterprise Blockchain Applications- Top use cases x Blockchain The Untold Story
- Annexure 6: Corda Key Concepts
- Annexure 7: Example of a Blockchain Technical White paper
- Annexure 8: More on 3 Cs of Blockchain-Consensus, CIA & CAP
- Annexure 9: Concepts addressed in the book
- Testimonials