Table of Contents
- History
- Web 3.0
- Technologies Involved in Web 3.0
- Role of Cryptocurrencies
- Role of Blockchain
- Role of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)
- NFT (Non-Fungible Token)
- Centralized vs Decentralized
- 3D Design and 3D Reconstruction
- Web 3.0 and Artificial Intelligence
- Metaverse and Blended Education 4.0
- Governance, Security, and Privacy
- Future of Blockchain and AI
- Blockchain Use Cases in Different Industries
- Entertainment and Fashion Industries in the Metaverse
- Healthcare Industry in the Metaverse
- Investment Guide - NFT, Cryptocurrency
- Facebook Meta
- Business Models and Opportunities in the Virtual Economy
- Virtual Real Estate
- Popular Metaverse Platforms
- World of Gaming
- Ways to Generate Crypto Income
- Technologies Involved in Building Metaverse
- Defi, Dapps, Smart Contracts, and DAOs
- How to Avoid Risks and Scams in Metaverse
- Current Challenges and Opportunities
- Crypto Art and Metaverse Music
- Importance of Metaverse Avatar
- Metaverse and Digital Assets