Section 1: Understanding the Cucumber framework

Chapter 1: Introduction to Behavior-Driven Development

Chapter 2: Understanding Feature Files

Chapter 3: Understanding Step Definition files

Chapter 4: Learning about the TestRunner

Section 2: Learning the Page Object Design Pattern

Chapter 5: Understanding the Page Object Model and Creating Page Objects

Chapter 6: Understanding Page Factories and Creating Page Factories

Section 3:  Integration with TestNG, Maven, and Jenkins

Chapter 7: Configuring the TestNG Framework

Chapter 8: Configuring Maven and Learning about POM.xml 

Chapter 9: POM.xml Execution from Eclipse and Command Line

Chapter 10: Configuring POM.xml to Trigger TestNG xml

Chapter 11: Configuring the Runner Class for Cucumber Reporter Plugin

Chapter 12: Reporting Using Extent Reports

Chapter 13: Parallel Execution Using Selenium Grid

Chapter 14: Integration with JenkinsÂ